San Angelo ISD New Teacher Academy Cultivates Growth and Success for Educators
San Angelo ISD New Teacher Academy Cultivates Growth and Success for Educators
San Angelo ISD highly values all educators. As part of the district’s support for new teachers, it hosts a new teacher academy for elementary and secondary teachers. This academy supports staff new to teaching or those who joined the district from a smaller district or private setting. The academy is a four-day series spread throughout the school year from September through January. The professional learning experience for these staff allows them to build, grow, and refine their instructional techniques to provide the best for the students they serve.
Additionally, the district strives to retain high-quality educators, and the academy helps address challenges many experience at the beginning of their careers. Classroom management is an area of needed support for new staff, as it is a skill that takes time to develop. The academy supports new teachers, including strategies and resources to effectively manage classrooms, handle disciplinary issues and create a positive learning environment.
Teaching can be emotionally demanding, especially for those just starting their careers. Emotional support and mentorship can help new teachers navigate the ups and downs of the profession, reducing stress and burnout. When teachers receive adequate support, they are better equipped to meet the diverse needs of their students. This, in turn, positively impacts student learning outcomes and overall academic success. The academy promotes collaboration, camaraderie, and a shared commitment to the success of both educators and students. Through collaboration, idea-sharing, and mutual learning opportunities, new teachers are able to develop connections with other new teachers as well as with experienced educators.
Mrs. Cheri Braden, SAISD Director of Campus Academic Support, follows up with staff after their new learning to offer additional assistance as the educators employ the new strategies they learn in training. After each training, new teachers are sent bi-weekly challenges of bite-size pieces of the training to implement. Mrs. Braden checks in on new teachers to follow up on the implementation of the training and supports new teachers with feedback and coaching as needed.
Mrs. Braden reported a high level of satisfaction among new teachers according to a recent survey they completed. “In the new teacher survey, 100% of teachers felt the New Teacher Academy effectively supported their growth as a new teacher and 97% felt the bi-weekly challenges supported their efforts to implement the training,” she said.
SAISD believes investing in new teachers and their development has long-term benefits for the education system. It helps create a pool of experienced and skilled educators who can contribute significantly to improving education over time. Approximately 66 new staff members completed this year’s academy the week of January 13th.
“Our San Angelo ISD New Teacher Academy is an invaluable resource for educators, providing essential support and guidance during the critical early years of their teaching careers,” said Dr. Farrah Gomez, SAISD Deputy Superintendent and Chief Academic Officer. “By offering professional learning, mentorship, and practical tools, the Academy helps new teachers build confidence and refine their instructional strategies. It not only accelerates their growth as educators but also contributes to better student outcomes, fostering a positive and sustainable teaching experience. We are honored they chose to serve in SAISD and we love to pour into them over the course of this year.”
The district celebrates the growth and success of these team members and looks forward to continued years of service to produce future-ready graduates in SAISD. Congratulations to all of these staff members. In SAISD, our people do make a difference! To stay up-to-date on San Angelo ISD, please visit the SAISD website at and follow us on Instagram, Facebook and X.